Meghan McSharry

Life Update | March 2021

Hi everyone!

If you follow me on Instagram, you may know a bit about my life, but I tend to share more every day details on my stories. I’ve been a bit more busy as of late, and here’s why:

I’m studying to become a real estate agent! As some of you may know, I’ve been working for the Roseann Sarica Benedict Team at Compass here in Greenwich, Connecticut. Compass is an awesome, tech-forward real estate firm that’s growing QUICKLY across the country. It’s mostly focused in metro areas and their surrounding suburbs as of now, but trust me when I say you’re going to see and hear more about it soon.

I’ve always had an interest in real estate – growing up in a town like Greenwich, I’ve been driving past beautiful homes my whole life. Now, I’ll have the chance to sell them myself. I’m taking classes every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (after my 9-3 work day) for four hours each night. Zoom classes are pretty brutal, and as someone who likes to be in bed by 9:30 it’s quite the adjustment! Still, I’m learning lots of interesting stuff that will be helpful when I become a home owner, too.

Working as an admin has been great – I get a steady paycheck (unlike an agent) and work what are technically part time hours, from 9-3 each day of the week. I get to learn a bit about how to file paperwork for deals and learn about the company as a whole, which will help me greatly once I get my license and become an agent myself. Since I’m unlicensed, I can’t meet with clients or help out at open houses yet. I’m looking forward to doing that once I get my license!

The only down side of my job is that my office is on Greenwich Avenue – which means it’s smack dab in the middle of the best shopping around! A The Real Real location just opened up a few doors down. RIP to my wallet.

I’ve also been trying to work out a bit more. After inadvertently stepping on the scale one night, I realized I had gained some weight since before COVID hit. That’s totally normal and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I haven’t been feeling my best self for a while. Seeing the number on the scale definitely made me want to be a bit more active. I’ve been trying to walk my dog more often or go for long walks on the treadmill when I’m not too busy. I have to start somewhere, right?

In whatever free time is left over, I’ve been binge watching TV shows, working on content for my side job at Pearlstory NYC, and trying out the latest beauty products to review on here and on my Instagram. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get more blogging done in the upcoming months, especially after I pass my real estate exam!

As always, thanks so much for reading and keeping up with my social media. I love having this outlet and hope to be more consistent with it as the days get longer and the sunshine motivates me to do more in general.


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