Meghan McSharry

Non-Surgical Nose Job: 1+ Year Later

One of my first (and most viewed) blog posts was about my experience having Restylane fillers put in my nose for a “non-surgical nose job” in February of 2019. Since then, I’ve had a lot of people, both total strangers and friends, ask me about the procedure and how my nose looks now. I thought I’d put together a quick blog post and include photos to update you on my nose!

I had this procedure done at Greenwich Medical Spa by Shilpa Desai, who is incredible! She is such a professional AND a perfectionist, which is of course what you want when altering your face in any way. Greenwich Med Spa has locations in Greenwich, CT, Westport, CT, and Scarsdale, NY. They are currently working on opening a fourth location in Ridgefield, CT. They’re one of the top places in the region for Botox, fillers, etc.

As I outlined in my original post, the “non-surgical nose job” is the use of hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane or Juvederm to straighten and even out the nose. From the profile view, I had a pretty dramatic bump on my nose and, from the front, it was slightly crooked – my nose got this way both through puberty and sports injuries. I’ve always wanted a rhinoplasty, but the cost of the surgery in my area is incredibly high, and the recovery is quite long and painful. By getting fillers you have an instant result.

Here is a before and after of my nose. The photos on the top show my nose in February 2019 on the day I went in for the injections. Unfortunately, the camera wasn’t working that day so the photos had to be taken on the office’s iPad – that’s why they aren’t the same quality.

Before & After Nose

As you can see, the bridge of my nose no longer had a bump and the tip was raised slightly.

Now, here are the same before photos of my nose next to photos taken in late February of 2020. My nose is still so much straighter than it was before the fillers, although the tip is not as raised and the bump slightly shows. Hyaluronic acid naturally breaks down in the body, which is why fillers dissolve over time. However, even a year later, much of the filler is still there.

Here are the after photos coupled with the updated photos from 2020.

Lastly, here are all three sets of photos stitched together.

While my nose may not look quite as perfect as it did right after getting fillers, I’m still so much happier with it now than I was before the procedure. It’s been over a year now and the fillers have yet to dissolve to a point where I feel the need to have my nose refilled. This fact in itself leads me to wholeheartedly believe that this procedure is 100% worth the price. While $800 is expensive for something that’s not permanent, it definitely makes it more worth it when you consider how long it lasts.

Wearing glasses can put a dent in your fillers, but I was able to wear sunglasses last summer, ski goggles during the winter, and glasses for distance when needed. I try not to wear them when not completely necessary, but after the first few weeks/months after getting fillers, it definitely didn’t seem to effect the shape of my nose.

If there are any questions you have about the procedure, leave them below! I’ll do my best to answer them and give more information if needed.



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